Join us for the Re-Imagined World Science Festival! This year's Festival has been re-imagined as a year-long series of signature explorations, some live and some digital, featuring world-leading thinkers, artists and innovators discussing cutting-edge ideas, recent discoveries, and future opportunities. Our online events will blend virtual theatrical staging, immersive visuals, and engaging design to present vibrant conversations and performances, media-rich debates, and novel educational offerings for all ages. We're kicking off the series with an in-depth look at mathematics with the thought-provoking program Does Math Reveal Reality? Join us for its online premiere this Thursday, August 19th at 3:00pm EDT. |
Does Math Reveal Reality? Mathematics has an uncanny ability to describe the physical world. It elegantly explains and predicts features of space, time, matter, energy and gravity. But is this magnificent scientific articulation an invention of the human mind or is mathematics indelibly imprinted upon the substrate of reality? Join Brian Greene and other leading thinkers as they parse the thorny problems of math’s existence. This program is free. |
Remembering Steven Weinberg Join Brian Greene and physicist John Preskill as they pay tribute to Nobel laureate Steven Weinberg, one of the world’s foremost theoretical physicists and a passionate advocate for science. |
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Make a tax-deductible contribution. |