To share the petition, you can send an email to your contacts using the text below: THE SINKING OF GRANDE AMERICA: SIGN AND SHARE SURFRIDER EUROPE’S PUBLIC PETITION After sinking the Grande America ship on Tuesday, March 12, the French coast, from Brittany to the Gironde, is under threat. Oil slicks several kilometers long have been detected at sea and pollution is likely to reach the coastline. Faced with this new ecological disaster, Surfrider Europe will file a legal complaint against the ship’s owner and captain, and has launched a petition to urge European and international public authorities to strengthen the regulation of maritime transport. Only a complete revision and stricter adherence to legislative regulations will be able to prevent ecological disasters like this from happening again in the future! Now more than ever, YOUR VOICE MATTERS to support the action of Surfrider Europe and increase the weight and the legitimacy of our demands! Together, let's take action to protect our coastlines and oceans! Sign the petition: |