Dear SmartTrader, Conventional covered call strategies are junk. And the unbelievable misinformation surrounding them is even worse… especially in social media blogs. No matter how you look at it, the overall, long-term risk-reward metrics in covered calls are negative in almost every case. That’s why the CashFlow Covered Call strategy is on a completely different level. Risks are reduced by 90%+ Annualized Returns Increase by as Much as 10x+ Super Easy to Implement Requires Very Little Capital There simply is no comparison. What’s the secret? Efficiency. If you can achieve the same types of returns while reducing risks, that’s a great thing. If you can increase returns while ALSO reducing risks, that’s the best of both worlds. BUT IT GETS EVEN BETTER. Because of the increased efficiency, you can COMPOUND. You can’t compound conventional covered call strategies. If you have 100 shares of a stock, you can always only sell 1 call against the shares. With the CashFlow Covered Call strategy, you have the ability to compound, potentially growing your capital by another 10x over the next few years. This is all FULLY REVEALED in the CashFlow Covered Call video series. To find out more, watch this video now: CLICK HERE TO WATCH THE VIDEO NOW Plus, you’ll get 2 exact trade alerts every single week. RECENT TRADE ALERTS 1,582% Annualized Return on Risk 1,535% Annualized Return on Risk You’ll learn all the secrets to generating 10x bigger returns with 10x less risk, and then you’ll watch me implement the strategy with the trade alerts. It’s the best of both worlds. Be sure to watch the video now: CLICK HERE TO WATCH THE VIDEO NOW LIMITED TIME Trade Smart, Retire Wealthy. Ryan Jones Founder, SmartTrading p.s. After you go through the CashFlow Covered Call video series, you’ll realize why most of the trading industry has you focused on all the wrong things. Find out more by watching this video now. CLICK HERE TO WATCH THE VIDEO NOW |