Dear John,

“Relationship Goals.”

That’s the phrase people are about to dust off and start using over and over again as we approach Valentine’s Day.

It got me thinking about my dad and mom.

They were married for 66 years and could well have invented the phrase “relationship goals.”

Mom was by Dad’s side, even right up until the second he stepped on stage.

Dad insisted on opening the car door for Mom everywhere they went.

Their relationship was the kind that got stronger and stronger as they grew older.

Often, people ask me: “What was their secret?”

They’re surprised to hear my response when I tell them: “Themselves.”

Throughout their courtship, they continued to work on themselves as people, so that they could work together for each other in their relationship.


Mom worked every day to be humble, kind, and continue to follow her faith.

Dad strived to be the best version of himself, a winner, and above all, a shining example for everyone in his life including me, my sisters, and of course my mom.

Which meant when they came together, wonderful, unbreakable things happened.

When you look at it like that they were “personal development goals” too!

That’s a phrase you may well never see floating around social media, but it’s something that you must try to live your life by.

Because once you build a better you, you’ll build better relationships!

If you’re looking for help doing exactly that, the Ziglar store has a brand new bundle that ticks all the boxes:

Tom Ziglar
Proud Son of Zig Ziglar


Ziglar, Inc., 15400 Knoll Trail Drive, Suite 103, Dallas, Texas 75248 United States 1 (800) 527-0306