New breakthroughs in medicine and health care are consistently coming out these days. With these come new opportunities for us to invest in...
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The 'Platinum Age of Health Care' Is Turning the Tables

By Dr. David Eifrig, editor, Prosperity Investor

We're entering the "Platinum Age of Health Care"...

Just this year, a small study at the Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center in New York City made medical history.

The group was conducting a study using an experimental drug called dostarlimab to treat colorectal cancer. After six months of treatment, all 18 of their patients with colorectal cancer went into full remission.

Dr. Hanna Sanoff of the University of North Carolina's Lineberger Comprehensive Cancer Center told NPR that she was incredibly optimistic about the results... and that researchers had never seen anything work in 100% of people in cancer medicine.

This drug does not attack cancer directly. It teaches your own immune system to go after and kill the cancer.

Now, this was a very small study, and more work needs to be done – a larger study is planned. But it has researchers excited about what the future may bring for cancer treatments.

What's more, breakthroughs like this will be increasing in frequency.

Health care and medicine are taking off exponentially. New therapies, methods of drug development, payment mechanisms, and even the real estate of health care offer vast investment opportunities.

And as I'll show you today, these opportunities are only growing...

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Stocks Could Crash on August 10 at 4 p.m. Eastern Time

The number of Nasdaq stocks down 50% or more has now hit a near record. And on August 10, it could get worse – much worse. At 4 p.m. Eastern time that day, one of America's most beloved firms will make an announcement that could send it plummeting... and take down hundreds of other stocks with it. The man who called the 2020 crash is posting a new public warning here.

A unique combination of technology, drug development, genetic understanding, massive new private investment, government funding, and more is on the verge of forever changing how we live and the quality of that life.

Scientists are doing things like hacking sheep embryos – turning off their ability to grow certain sheep organs, and then, in theory, inserting human genes instructing the embryo to grow a kidney or heart. This "replacement part" would be the exact genetic match of the donor.

In a 2017 Washington Post article, Craig Venter – the researcher who first sequenced the human genome – said:

Recent leaps in the biosciences, combined with big data analysis, have led us to the cusp of a revolution in medicine. Not only have we learned to read and write the genetic code; now we can put it in digital form and translate it back into synthesized life. In theory, that gives our species control over biological design.

Imagine a world where we could grow replacement parts for our bodies that would not be rejected by our immune system nor require a lifetime of antirejection medications. Now imagine being able to invest in those companies.

That time is almost here.

In the U.S. alone, health care is a $4 trillion market (and growing). Every single one of us is a customer. We always need health care – in good times and bad. And that means this massive industry is going to keep growing no matter what.

It's complex, expensive, and confusing to access and pay for. It's also full of emotion and can be scary at times. That keeps a lot of investors away from the industry.

But these reasons are exactly why we want to invest today.

The health industry also has an incredible tailwind behind it. That's because if you're over the age of 50, I can guarantee one thing with 100% certainty: You're in for more medical testing in your future.

For one thing, you'll get more tests because medical science will develop more tests. My father was an ophthalmologist... When he started practicing, he relied on a magnifying glass. By the time I was in medical school, we could analyze a patient's DNA and run dozens of other tests to get the diagnosis.

The other part of it is age...

We're all getting older, and getting older means more medical expenses. The average working-age person requires about $7,000 per year in health care costs... compared with about $19,000 per year on average for folks aged 65 and older.

Put another way, the average American racks up $300,000 in medical bills in a lifetime, and nearly $200,000 of that comes after age 65.

And the increases only accelerate from there. According to a study from the Kaiser Family Foundation, a health-policy nonprofit, Medicare spends an average of $5,562 annually for 66-year-old enrollees... while annual costs double to $11,618 by age 80.

So you and I are destined to receive more health care as we age. But we're not the only ones getting older... America is aging rapidly in general.

In 2010, 40 million folks in the U.S. were over the age of 65 (just 13% of the population). By 2030, we'll have 72 million (or 19% of the population) at that age. That means us geezers represent nearly a 50% larger share of the population. Take a look...

These trends mean two things – a greater drain on folks' retirement savings, and more profits for companies in the health space.

I don't know about you, but I don't want to give my hard-earned dollars to already wealthy executives. I'd rather use my money on things that let me enjoy life... not on medications, doctor's visits, and hospital stays.

This is your chance to turn the tables – and actually make money – during the Platinum Age of Health Care.

Today, there is a tremendous buying opportunity in health care stocks. Many great businesses are trading for ultra-low valuations. I'm talking about some of the lowest-risk wealth compounders in the markets...

And it's all happening at a time when this space is churning out innovations and treatments that past generations could have only ever imagined.

Everything I've done in the past four decades has been leading up to this moment. I've never been more excited about investing in health care. In a few years, this sector will produce some of the market's biggest winners.

Here's to our health, wealth, and a great retirement,

Dr. David Eifrig

Editor's note: Folks are living longer and healthier lives... with technology and artificial intelligence empowering treatments and cures unlike anything we've ever seen. That's why Doc has put together a new project, with a team of expert analysts, to help you capitalize on the flood of investment opportunities unfolding now.

That means the absolute best of everything in this field, from the blue-chip "forever stocks" that lead the health care industry... to the small-cap innovators whose cutting-edge tech could return quadruple-digit gains.

Our company has poured tremendous resources into this project. And for a short time longer, you still have a chance to get in on the ground floor. Click here to learn more.

Further Reading

"Most people have little to no knowledge of what to do when they are thrust into the health care system," Thomas Carroll writes. But if you learn the ins and outs of today's rapidly changing health care industry, you could earn massive returns while everyone else plays catch-up... Read more here.

"Your health is your most important asset," Thomas says. And with the COVID-19 pandemic transforming the way we receive medical treatment, it's critical to be aware of how today's health care system works – and how you can take advantage of it... Learn more here: Don't Fear the Health Care System... Make It Work for You.