The International Committee of the Fourth International and the World Socialist Web Site salutes the growing struggles of workers throughout the world. On May 4, the ICFI is holding its annual International May Day Online Rally, with speakers and participants from throughout the world. We encourage you to register for and participate in this important international event. Register now Developments on the eve of May Day reveal the urgent necessity for the global organization and unity of the working class in a common fight against inequality, war, and reaction. Yesterday, the Trump administration sharply escalated its regime-change operation in Venezuela, encouraging Juan Guaido to make an open appeal to the military and proclaim an armed uprising against the government of Nicolas Maduro. The US is using this conflict to intensify its campaign, not only against Venezuela, but also against Cuba and Russia, risking a regional and even global military conflict. Today, WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange was sentenced to 50 weeks in prison by a British judge for "violating bail conditions," and there will be a hearing on Thursday on an extradition request filed by the United States. If the US succeeds in getting its hands on him, Assange faces indefinite detention or charges that carry the penalty of death. Along with Chelsea Manning, who is currently behind bars for refusing to testify against Assange, the WikiLeaks founder is being targeted for revealing the crimes of American imperialism. The fight against war, the growth of fascism and authoritarianism, the ever-greater concentration of wealth, internet censorship, environmental degradation, and in defense of class war prisoners such as Assange and Manning are inextricably bound up with the fight against capitalism and for socialism. The central question facing millions of workers and young people throughout the world is: What is socialism and how can it be achieved? This year's annual International May Day Online Rally will address these critical questions for a world audience. We urge you to register for the event, make a donation to help cover the costs, and share today's perspective with friends, family, and coworkers to help make this years May Day the most successful yet. Fraternally, the World Socialist Web Site Read the May Day 2019 WSWS perspective: Read the statement |