WHAT’S ON TODAY Canberra Both the Senate and House of Representatives will sit for the final time for 2019. Minister for Agriculture Bridget McKenzie will launch the National Farmers’ Federation’s new report A Return on Nature – Unlocking sustainable finance and ecosystem services. The National Press Club will host an in-conversation event titled “Are we heading towards a strategic crisis over Taiwan?” The ACT Writers Centre will host the ACT Writing and Publishing Awards. Sydney StartupAUS will launch its annual Crossroads Report. John Howard will help launch his former cabinet minister Richard Alstons new book, More to Life than Politics, both of whom will speak in conversation with the Centre for Independent Studies’ Tom Switzer. Melbourne The New International Book Shop will host a panel discussion with Elizabeth Humphrys on her new book How Labour Built Neoliberalism, Australia’s accord, the Labour movement and the Neoliberal project. Journalist Nina Funnell, businesswoman Hana Assafiri and Domestic Violence Victoria’s acting CEO Alison MacDonald will speak at an RMIT event titled “Sexual Assault and Censorship – Do women have a right to express their anger?” Darwin The Australian War Memorial will hold a development update presentation on “Our Continuing Story”. Perth The Climate and Health Alliance and Doctors for the Environment Australia will host an event called “Climate and Health in WA: Risks and Opportunities”. Adelaide Day one of the two-day World Electronics Forum will be held. The Art Gallery of South Australia will host the SA Public Galleries Forum 2019. Hobart Head of the Altered Eating Research Network Dr Duika Burges Watson will present “How Cheap Food Costs Us … and the Earth” at the University of Tasmania. Gold Coast The Department of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Partnerships will host a “Path to Treaty” community forum. |