AccountantsWorld Daily News

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The Impact of the U.S. Supreme Court’s Wayfair Decision: Compliance Challenge for Small and Medium-Sized Businesses

(CPA Journal) - The recent Supreme Court decision in South Dakota v. Wayfair will expand retailers’ responsibilities to collect sales taxes on out-of-state purchases. Although the Court’s rationale was that technological changes make the collection of sales taxes easier than ever, this change will likely disadvantage smaller business.

Payroll Relief promises: More profit, less work.

No matter what payroll solution you are currently using, you will generate more profit with Payroll Relief from AccountantsWorld while reducing your firm's workload. LEARN MORE

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IRS Settlement Month Resolved 148 Tax Court Cases 
(CPA Practice Advisor) - "The March Settlement Days campaign yielded great results with well over half of participating taxpayers settling their cases on a basis agreeable to them without having to represent themselves in Tax Court," said IRS Commissioner Chuck Rettig.

A New Risk Matrix for Blockchain Implementation 
(JofA) - The AICPA & CIMA have partnered with ISACA to release a new joint publication that identifies risks organizations should consider when evaluating whether to implement blockchain technology.

London City is First Major Airport Controlled by Remote Digital Tower 
(NATS) - All flights on the summer schedule are being guided to land or take off from the heart of the London Docklands business district by air traffic controllers 115km away at NATS’ air traffic control centre in Swanwick, Hampshire

Windows 10: The Best Tricks, Tips, and Tweaks 
(PC World) -Windows 10 is chock-full of handy, hidden new features worth exploring. Check out the best tips and tricks here.

Make your after-the-fact write-up 30-40% more profitable

No other cloud-based system matches Accounting Power’s capabilities and speed for after-the-fact write-up work. In addition to heads-down data entry, Accounting Power includes a bank feeds feature that downloads credit card and bank transactions. Using the bank feeds feature, you can reduce data entry by 70%-80% and spread your write-up work throughout the year to reduce your tax time crunch. LEARN MORE

About AccountantsWorld

At AccountantsWorld, we value the crucial role that YOU play in core business services - accounting and payroll - just as much as you do.

That's why, since 2003, we've used the unprecedented power of the cloud to put you back in full control of your accounting and payroll services so you can best serve your clients, while raising your own firm's value and relevance. And we never sell our products or services directly to your clients.

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Payroll Relief
Accounting Power
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