The Great Table Caper From Chicken Soup for the Soul: My Very Good, Very Bad Dog By Ann Denise Karson Fun fact: In most U.S. cities, to protect both people and dogs, "leash laws" require that dogs in public be on a leash that is less than six feet long. Early one fine spring morning, Tyler (a large Golden Retriever), Zoe (a large red Doberman) and I (a woman of a certain age) headed out for a walk. Our destination was the lake in the neighborhood. First, though, we visited the local coffee shop so I could get a cup of tea to drink as we walked. I tied Tyler and Zoe, who were very sweet and obedient dogs, to the base of a metal table that was in a cordoned-off area for the restaurant next door. When the restaurant was closed, I often tied them to a table. As usual, I turned to look at them before going in and said, "Be good. I'll be right out." (Keep reading) |