Hi John, 1 dose. 2 doses. 3, 4, 5 doses later… and you still don’t feel a thing. We’ve been disappointed by new supplements more times than we can count over the years. Now, we've (proudly) been our own guinea pig for decades upon decades. Our very own Sayer Ji tried something that immediately kicked his system into another gear. They were rare crystals mined deep in the heart of Chile. These crystals, when consumed properly, carpet bomb virtually every foreign invader lurking throughout your body, including, but not limited to… - Heavy metals - Fungus - Candida overgrowth - Microbial/chemical overloads - And so much more! On top of all that… These “Chilean Crystals” are required by EVERY cell in your body to function properly, because they act as the critical “link” connecting your body’s entire intelligence network… Our friend, Ian (Clark), turned us on to them only a couple weeks ago. Some of you might relate, but tolerance to supplements over the years has grown and grown and some have become "high dose" individuals. Luckily, Ian was in town visiting and the unique mechanisms (combined with the effectiveness of the product) spurred something inside us to record the conversation. So, we turned on the camera and had a full conversation about these powerful crystals and what was TRULY happening physiologically, as they were coursing through Sayer's system… We just posted it live on Unite, please take a moment to go check it out. |
As always, Ian’s brilliance puts us in absolute awe. How he finds these “hidden gems” is just astonishing. Have a look and see what we mean.
To better health, The GreenMedInfo Team P.S. After getting a better idea about these specially harvested crystals, if you care to incorporate them into your health protocols, he’s running a special offer TODAY through SUNDAY and thought you may be interested. |