| INSIGHTS Is Scent Marketing Making a Comeback? Scent marketing uses fragrance to influence consumer perceptions and behaviours in commercial settings, aiming to enhance brand value, encourage longer visits, attract new customers, and increase sales.
Strategy |
| INSIGHTS How MetaBanners are Transforming Digital Advertising MetaBanners, a revolutionary digital advertising platform powered by Ads-Chain technology, aims to transform the digital marketing landscape with its advanced integration of artificial intelligence, machine learning, and data analytics.
Digital Advertising |
| INSIGHTS Are Memecoins Disrupting Digital Marketing? The success of Memecoins is propelled by user-generated content, with communities playing a pivotal role in their promotion through meme creation and sharing across social platforms, effectively turning traditional marketing on its head.
Blockchain |
Will Airchat Become the Next Big Social Network? Airchat is a voice + text network, similar to Twitter in basic UI, but with the addition of voice for every post. Users speak their posts into existence, with the system then translating their speech into text.