By Daryl Cagle - Jul 27, 2023 05:03 pm
Here’s the Top Ten of the week that I was away at the San Diego Comic Con. It’s always hot in the summer, but this year nature has taken things up a notch. Cities across the country are breaking their own heat records. Not surprisingly, a good amount of our most-reprinted cartoons this week focused on the weather, and when we might get some relief from his latest heat wave. #1. Rivers #2. John Darkow Don’t miss our great new video, cartoon Caglecast about ANGRY BOB ROSS and A.I. caricatures of celebrities from our own editorial cartoonist A.I. expert, Rick McKee. See the Caglecast here! #3. Frank Hansen #4. Rivers #5. Dave Granlund –this cartoon hung around to be the #1 cartoon in the next week –that’s pretty unusual around here. #6. John Darkow #7. Dave Granlund #8. John Darkow #9. Taylor Jones #10. R.J. Matson Please support our site! Become a HERO! ... Finish reading in browser »