Lifestyle ideas for better brain health
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A Well-Rounded Brain Fitness Approach

Training your brain with BrainHQ is a cornerstone of great brain health. But it’s not the only way to nurture your noggin. A well-rounded approach to brain fitness can also involve nutrition, physical activity, social life, sleep, and a variety of other activities.

Check out these ideas for treating your brain right in all kinds of way this month.  You’ll see suggestions to:
If you think doodling is a distraction, think again. Researchers believe that doodling might actually improve learning and memory. This month, try putting pen to paper and see what happens.
Learn more
Get Out Your Gardening Gloves
Gardening is low-impact exercise with a bouquet of brain benefits. Studies suggest gardening can reduce stress, improve mood, and even reduce risk of Alzheimer’s. Find some tips for getting your hands dirty this month, even if you don’t have a garden of your own.
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Feast on Fish
Research suggests that people who eat fish have an advantage in brain health. But which fish are best? And do fish oil pills work, too? Find out more—and find delicious new recipes to try this month.
Get the recipes
Meditation for Brain Health
Taking time to meditate may be just what the brain doctor ordered. Some studies have shown that meditating can be beneficial for mood, sleep, cognitive function, and more. So this month, try it—and see how it goes for you.
See how to get started
Breadth or Depth in BrainHQ Training?
When you’re using BrainHQ, do you ever wonder whether you should repeat one level many times, or if it’s better to jump around and train on more exercises and levels?
Find out
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