March 17, 2016

The Best Restaurant Near Every NCAA March Madness Arena

NCAA March Madness is upon us, and with Selection Sunday already behind us, the match-ups are set and the games will begin today, starting with the “first four.” Those will be played at the University of Dayton Arena in Ohio, with the remaining...Read More
The Best Restaurant Near Every NCAA March Madness Arena

Beware the Ides of March: 5 Foods Considered Unlucky Around the World

Earlier in the year, we examined some foods that are considered lucky, hoping to bring good fortune for 2016. On the flip side, there are also numerous foods considered unlucky around the world (in specific countries or just in general), and thus...Read More

Must Try Recipes to Satisfy Your Creme Egg Cravings This Easter

Every year, as Easter approaches and Creme Eggs once again line the shelves of every store, we are reminded why we love this annual holiday. All thoughts of other Easter candy are eradicated as we bite through the thick chocolate shell of a Creme...Read More
Cadbury's Creme Eggs

9 Companies That Are Revolutionizing Healthy Frozen Meals

Frozen meals get a pretty bad rap these days. In this era when eating “real” food is a major priority for consumers, microwaving a plastic container of pallid-looking turkey and mashed potatoes with ingredients like disodium guanylate and L-Cysteine...Read More
Frozen Meals

How to Host a St. Patrick’s Day Feast

Whether you’re Irish, want to be Irish, or are not Irish at all, St. Patrick’s Day provides everybody with the perfect excuse to party in the middle of March. Every St. Paddy’s Day should center on food and drink, so we’ve created this guide to help...Read More
Surprise-Inside St Paddy's Day Cupcakes

Here Are 15 Ways You’ve Got Nutrition Twisted

Defining nutrition isn’t hard, but it’s also not easy. Nutrition, at its core, is the way that we fuel our bodies with food. To look at food as solely fuel, however, would ignore the cultural implications that many foods hold across the globe.[...Read More
sports drink

Tips for the Best Easter Egg-Decorating Party Ever

Easter is coming sooner thank you think. In just 10 days, the Easter bunny will be on your doorstep, your home will be filled with Easter candy, and the little ones will be running around hunting for those hidden chocolate eggs. This weekend is the...Read More
Easter Eggs

5 Foods to Give You Strength and Inspiration for Those Midterms

An exam is an exam, regardless of where it falls in your semester or quarter. If it happens to be midterms or finals week, however, those exams that are just exams tend to be stacked up next to, on top of, and in between each other with the added...Read More
ahi tuna poke

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