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Leadership Insights

In The Spotlight
As the factory operations video series draws to a close, moderator Jamie Flinchbaugh shares some of the highlights.
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Editor’s note: Welcome to So That Happened, our editors’ takes on things going on in the manufacturing world that deserve some extra attention. This will appear regularly in the Member’s Only section of the site. FAMU, FVSU Fab Labs Chevron U.S.A. Inc. and the Fab Foundation have announced the establishment of Fab Labs at Fort Valley...
The rule will cut smog-forming volatile organic compounds by over 23,000 tons annually, according to the EPA.
Goals, questions and metrics across the company are part of an overall vision for better quality.
It's been four years since the pledge, but corporations haven't changed their ways.
Some companies are playing fast and loose with pay transparency, to their own detriment.

See your organization’s future success by having answers to what your customers want and need. Harness the power of data and insights as your crystal ball for making better decisions.

Editor's Choice
Manufacturing often frets about the aging of its workforce. Some nimble companies revel in it.