Create a resume that attracts employers by listing accomplishments instead of job duties, omitting unimportant details and using a professional email address, writes career coach McLean Mills. Give yourself time to craft a document for each application and find a good professional resume writer if you get stuck, Mills recommends. Business 2 Community (11/2) The 5 skills employees will need in the future With an ever-changing workforce, employers of the future will be looking for distinct skill sets, writes business strategist Bernard Marr. Emotional intelligence, creativity, flexibility, data literacy and tech savviness are traits that will make employees valuable, he writes. Forbes (11/4)
Higher Salaries + Cooler Jobs A recognized leader in education and research, the School of Labor and Employment Relations prepares students for exciting careers in human resources and industrial relations. You can complete Illinois' internationally recognized HR master's program both on campus and online.
Making the Connection
LinkedIn Events will facilitate in-person meetups LinkedIn's new Events feature lets users organize "offline meetups specific to an industry or a neighborhood," says Ajay Datta of LinkedIn India. Consultant Gene Marks writes that he expects more advanced marketing and management factors to be added to compete with Meetup and Eventbrite. Inc. online (11/1)
How to hire qualified holiday help Attract qualified seasonal job seekers for the holiday season with email blasts and sponsored job posts, and optimize posts for mobile devices, writes Snag CEO Mathieu Stevenson. Stevenson also recommends standing out in the market with competitive compensation and building a strong social media personality. Franchise Update (10/31)
The Landscape
Do millennials actually job hop more than previous generations? Employers that lament millennials job hop more than previous generations doesn't hold up, as "median job tenure for US workers in their 20s and 30s is stable at about three years, roughly where it was in 1983," writes Andrew Hill. He attributes the myth to the fact that millennials are more vocal about their need for change within an organization. Financial Times (subscription required) (11/4)
Balancing Yourself
Study shows better-rested people earn more Better-rested workers are more productive and earn more money compared to people who get less sleep, according to a study in the Review of Economics and Statistics. Sunsets affect how early people go to bed, so the farther east in a timezone a person is the more likely they are to go to sleep earlier and get more rest, which the study suggests could affect regional incomes. The New York Times (tiered subscription model) (11/4)
With an average of 750 miles, caribou are the land animal that travels the farthest distance when migrating between their summer and winter ranges. However, researchers recently tracked a grey wolf from Mongolia that roamed a whopping 4,500 miles during a single year. Nature (free content) (11/4)
A successful man is one who can lay a firm foundation with the bricks others have thrown at him.