Just months after coming face-to-face with three gunmen in a hijacking incident, seasoned broadcaster and DJ Fresh's ex-wife, Thabiso Sikwane has opened up about the ordeal. Sikwane, who went through the hijacking in May, said she initially did not want to talk about it but decided to do so to exalt God and His goodness. "In your walk with God, in your relationship with our creator, with the Lord, you go through moments; you go through seasons, and that experience that could have gone anyway was a moment that I know that my heavenly Father wanted to show me another side of him, and that is as my protector," she said in an emotional video on social media. She said that as she faced the three gunmen, she got to see God in action and the truth of His word manifesting when she was overcome with a sense of peace. "Anybody who's been through, who survived a hijacking, you know how traumatic it can be; how traumatic it is if that was your experience, but on that day, at that moment... as soon as I said 'Papa, take the wheel', the most incredible thing happened – an overwhelming sense of peace, the peace that just surpasses understanding," Sikwane said. Click 'read more' for the full story. |