Talking Isolation, MXGP & MXoN with Gautier Paulin

As we continue to cross days off of the 2020 calendar whilst patiently waiting for the world to defeat the virus that has caused a global pandemic, it is interesting to observe the way each individual is handling this unprecedented situation. For riders like Monster Energy Yamaha Factory MXGP’s Gautier Paulin, confinement is not an issue.

“Personally, I am not completely away from my normal life,” the 30-year-old MXGP star said, “In wintertime, this is how it is for me. I don’t see anyone, I don’t go out, I don’t party, I don’t do anything except for eating and sleeping, family and training. So right now, the only difference is that I don’t see my family, I just FaceTime with them. I have everything I need to stay fit and in shape and to train in any situation whether that is inside or outside, even for things like if the weather is bad, I will train inside to prevent getting sick and things like that. I can still continue my full physical training, of course, I need to adapt everything because I am someone who loves to do sport outside as much as possible, and I have been this way since I was a kid but together with my trainer we have adapted the plan, but I am still training in the zone I want.”

Unlike most other motorsports, MXGP managed to complete two rounds of the 2020 series, much to the surprise of Paulin who is currently fifth in the Championship Standings, “I saw this coming, not a big pandemic like this as no one could imagine this, but before leaving to GP number one, I told my wife to just get everything we need for the baby in case of emergency because we are always travelling everywhere and in case we get stuck somewhere I wanted to be sure we have all the needs for the little one."

"I was actually surprised to ride the first two GP’s and even more when we were expecting to go to Argentina. After Valkenswaard, we had a meeting at 10:15pm with all of the team members and it was at that point we all realized this was serious. I decided directly to stop riding for my own security and also for the security and safety of the mechanics.”

The coronavirus outbreak has certainly thrown a spanner in the works for many top athletes who have thoroughly planned their entire year based on the 20-round calendar that was supposed to run from late February through to the end of September but despite being one of the most structured and meticulous athletes on the grid, Paulin is ready to adapt his regime.