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If you are a swim coach and haven’t given
Commit Swimming a fair shot yet, please read this.

You should have the benefits all of these other coaches are seeing with their teams too.

It doesn’t matter what level your team is at. You might be a small club team in the US that wants to make the sport fun for young kids or you might be an elite D1 University trying to win a conference championship or you might be a recreational club from anywhere in the world or you might be the head coach of your national team… You should use Commit and reap the benefits of the software.

Coaches and teams in all of those different categories use Commit every single day.

It saves you time, it keeps you organized with planning, and ultimately makes your swimmers and you better.

Don’t take my word for it. Read through dozens of coaches’ opinions on what Commit does for them.


Recently, we asked Commit users what benefits they have seen since using Commit. Here is a small subset of the responses from coaches all over the world:

  • “It has been easier to address weaknesses in the training program”
  • “Makes workout management with a staff much easier.”
  • “It saves time”
  • “Having used TeamUnify in the past I like the simplicity of Commit, while still having powerful features”
  • “I need less time to write workouts”
  • “The program broke 17 school records this season, and the top 4 most “talented” in the program amassed more than 40 lifetime bests between them so I believe commit allows me to see the big picture while writing a workout and make the workout challenging mentally, physically and also social.”
  • “It is much easier for me to write practices.”
  • “Saves me time”
  • “I’m definitely more organized”
  • “Workouts often don’t repeat, yardage is more consistent, tapers seems to work better.”
  • “More organized, better practice structure and variety”
  • “It’s easy to write workouts and be able to have all our coaches access them.”
  • “It holds me more accountable to my season plan. It also has helped significantly with rest and taper by providing the stress score of the workouts. The stress score has definitely played a big role in our rest meets.”
  • “Our staff is more organized and the seasons run more smoothly when they can not only see their season planned out but also track it daily.”
  • “My seasons have become much more analytical, in that I am better able to track yardages and efforts.”
  • “Better quality control of team programming & athlete development”
  • “Forces me to be more precise in my training plan.”
  • “Much easier to share workouts with other coaches, especially if you are off deck and have an assistant running the group.”
  • “Swimmers pay more attention to workouts”
  • “I just find the ease of writing workout much more conducive to my thought process and it’s just more enjoyable”
  • “With the whole coaching on commit really helps us streamline our workouts”
  • “Saves time by calculating practice time and yardage easily”
  • “Commit offers the ability to prep and organize for practice which in turn allows me more time to interact with and coach my athletes.”
  • “Great for athletes’ logbooks”
  • “Faster workout writing start to finish.”
  • “Ease of use between coaches and the ability to customize terminology.”
  • “More calm, more accurate”
  • “I am more organized and in control.”
  • “Much better use of time at practice. My workouts are very efficient and I never feel like ‘I don’t know if we will get this all done.’”
  • “Easier to track sessions”
  • “Practice is more organized. Easy to write workouts with the amount of time in practice”
  • “Saves time!”
  • “Athletes are interested in workouts”
  • “Ability to log workouts has become a lot easier”
  • “My coaching staff at other sites can observe what I’m doing and vice versa”
  • “Workouts run more smoothly”
  • “Easier organization of work and implementation of the plan for our club”
  • “More comfort planning”
  • “Better planning and improved sessions”
  • “Easier to share ideas”
  • “Sharing of information between other coaches and with your athletes.”
  • “Workout sharing and the kids enjoy seeing the workouts. If out of town they can just pull up an old one they liked and do that.”
  • “The possibility to easy share and write programs”
  • “Easy to share”
  • “More consistent performances across multiple seasons. The ability to reflect on and adjust sets over time.”
  • “Easier to see the bigger picture”
  • “I write more specific sets for specific groups because it’s so easy”
  • “Better, more organized and timely workouts”
  • “I do save a lot of time writing and analyzing (dashboard) the workouts.”
  • “More spare time, easier sharing with swimmers and coaches, higher accuracy”
  • “It’s easy to share programs and it’s easy for new coaches to learn how to write programs.”
  • “I can control the season planning way much better”
  • “Faster, better management of intensities, organization of charts and cross-platform (was using iPad workouts before)”
  • “Ease of coach access. Simple sharing features for swimmers.”
  • “Coaching staff collaboration is much greater.”
  • “I’m not using any paper anymore – times of tests I write on the whiteboard and take a picture afterward. Attendance is just clicking off the names.”
  • “I’m sending the programs to my team within 30 seconds.”
  • “It is user-friendly and saves me a lot of time”
  • “I am more organized and less likely to repeat myself. Coaches are more organized and engaged. Swimmers are more engaged.”

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Customize your own training terminology

Plans for all swim team types (high school, club, college, elite, age-group, masters, etc.)

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Contact Commit anytime at
[email protected]

One Hall of Fame Drive
Ft. Lauderdale, FL 33316

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