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Djilba is around the corner

Djilba, spanning August and September, marks a transformative season in the South West. Known as the season of conception, it's also referred to as the second rains or first spring. During this time, the landscape awakens with the vibrant yellows of blooming Acacias, and newborns venture out alongside their proud parents in search of food. Djilba embodies transition, as our wetlands fill and the weather gradually warms. It's a season of contrasts, with some days retaining the chill of winter, harmoniously mingling with warmer, rainy, and occasionally windy days graced by the sun's presence. The South West bursts into an impressive flowering spectacle, led by the yellow Acacias. 

Source: Bureau of Meteorology and Derbal Nara. Photo: Bibra Lake-Dan Millea.


Events and workshops


Waste and recycling workshops

Make a difference in your lifestyle and the environment. Join our waste reduction workshops this August and September to learn how to minimise waste and live sustainably.
Find more sustainable events and workshops

Sustainability news from around the City

We’re walking the talk, not just through Plastic Free July

In a powerful collaboration with GO2CUP, WRITE Solutions Australia, food vendors, and our waste education teams, 74,000 attendees at Cockburn LIVE helped achieve outstanding waste avoidance, using 56,000 reusable items, sending only 400kg of waste to landfill, composting 500kg of organic waste, and raising $1,000 for local charities through container returns.

Fun in the (winter) sun for South Lake locals

Over 250 locals, parents and happy kids enjoyed the winter sunshine and activities at our Nature Discovery Day event in Bloodwood Park, South Lake. The team from Connecting South Lake were on fire at the BBQ, cooking up 200 sausages and distributing two big baskets of seasonal fruit.

Heave ho! It's planting season

City staff, and staff and players from the Fremantle Dockers got busy planting 800 seedlings at Bibra Lake in July. This is just a small part of the City's annual revegetation program. 

We all love our PALS!

Congratulations to Aubin Grove, Bibra Lake, Jandakot, Southwell, Success, and Yangebup Primary Schools along with Coolbellup Learning Centre sharing in grants worth $17k from the State Government’s Partnership Acceptance Learning Sharing (PALS) program to support sharing of Aboriginal cultures and histories.

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Cockburn Nyungar moort Beeliar boodja‑k kaadadjiny. Koora, yeyi, benang baalap nidja boodja‑k kaaradjiny.
Cockburn acknowledges the Nyungar people of Beeliar boodja. Long ago, now and in the future they care for country.
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