Larry Wilson: A kid in a cell with no light in California • Joel Fox: Connecting the dots on fights over tax policy in California
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Saturday, April 20, 2024

Susan Shelley: The cat came out of the bag at the United States Supreme Court on Tuesday

This issue has now gone far beyond Trump.

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Larry Wilson: A kid in a cell with no light in California

Assemblyman Chris Holden’s anti-solitary confinement crusade

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Joel Fox: Connecting the dots on fights over tax policy in California

No one should be surprised at this latest twist in the strategy to gather more tax revenue.

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Rafael Perez: Should abortion be a state issue?

Leaving it up to individual states has the unfortunate side-effect of effectively guaranteeing an asymmetric distribution of fundamental rights in the US, which is something that the Constitution is supposed to protect us from.

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Farrah Hassen: A bittersweet Arab American Heritage Month

We know we belong in America even if we’re not always treated that way.

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Nancy Magee: SB 976 is a common sense approach to addressing a grave problem

California is not alone in trying to create sensible safeguards.

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Governor Xavier Becerra? We can’t think of worse idea

Even with the fairly low bar for California governors these days, it’s hard to imagine a worse choice than Becerra.

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California government can’t get education or homelessness right. Why trust it with your healthcare?

California isn’t known for programs that lower costs, solve problems or run smoothly.

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Metropolitan Water District soaks taxpayers with higher property taxes

Certainly everybody in Los Angeles, and not just Los Angeles, is tired of getting soaked.

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Californians are worried about crime, setting the stage for a ballot measure showdown

Democrats completely dominate California’s state government, and one aspect of that hegemony is their ability to act without compunction.

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