Indulgences, California style • Larry Wilson: The state of the union is strong with Joe Biden as our president
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Saturday, March 9, 2024

Susan Shelley: President Biden has been a disaster on foreign and domestic policy

Biden is 0 for 2.

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Indulgences, California style

The only thing honest about this scandal is Gov. Newsom’s admission that this is “sausage making.”

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Larry Wilson: The state of the union is strong with Joe Biden as our president

Points of light vs. the man who holds night rallies

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Most Americans didn’t want a Biden-Trump rematch, but that’s unfortunately what we’ll get

They’ll be badgered, bullied and hectored by both sides demanding Americans pick them. Many will stay home.

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Ken Williams: Parents in Orange County have had enough of woke indoctrination in our schools

Voters made clear they want schools to get back to the core aims of education to inculcate facts and knowledge and critical thinking abilities.

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Biden spoke very loudly and mostly clearly in his State of the Union address.

Big government leftism and big government MAGAism are antithetical to liberty and what the American experiment is supposed to be about.

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Lessons from Gov. Newsom’s PaneraGate scandal

Embattled Californians get the favor of a new bureaucracy, run by a government insider.

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Will Nathan Hochman’s former Republican label doom his campaign for DA? Don’t count on it.

The Los Angeles District Attorney’s race will come down to issues and voter perceptions.

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‘Top two’ primary strikes out as a useful election reform

“Top two” created a new set of rules that ambitious politicians can game.

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Three decades later, it’s time to have a serious conversation about Three Strikes

In a world of finite resources, we must, surely, do better with our tax dollars than simply locking thousands of people up, at vast financial and moral expense, for 25-years-to-life.

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