Dear Friend, Here at the Bangor Daily News, we believe that fearless local journalism is at the heart of an informed public and a critical component of a healthy democracy. For 134 years, it's been our mission to deliver reporting that informs Mainers about the issues impacting our state and inspires them to take action. Today, we're asking for your support as part of our year-end sustainability campaign. Why are we focused on sustainability? Well, the local news industry is in crisis. According to the annual Medill State of Local News report, released last month, two newspapers close each week in our country. More than 130 have closed in the past year. The free press is the only private business named in the Bill of Rights. The founding fathers understood that to protect our democracy, we must protect journalism. For us at the BDN, that means protecting reporting resources that are so important here in Maine. We still have over $60,000 to raise to hit our sustainability goal before the end of the month. Will you join the 800+ BDN readers who have stepped forward this year to invest in local reporting that matters to Maine? |