Dear Do,

Happy summer! I hope you're enjoying some freedom of movement these days, getting out into nature as much as you're able.

Here in Zion we are having a busy summer, and a good one. It looks like we're going to have a monsoon season, which is sorely needed - we largely missed those summer rains last year, and this country is very dry. Luckily, we have our huge sandstone cliffs that act as the aquafir for our area and the Park, so things are still green in the canyon.

I wanted to let you know about a project I've been working on which is coming up in late September, one of the best possible times to be in Zion. It's a small retreat, the "Women's Adventure Camp" and is designed to offer women a chance to deepened their personal awareness of and ability to use their own beautiful energy.

Over the course of the retreat we'll be hiking and having adventures (with everyone absolutely free to choose their own level of "stretch", from simple strolls to hiking the Narrows and Canyoneering) with one day spent working with horses. Well handled horses are the best teachers/mirrors I know of, to help you play with how connecting energy feels, and how your energy comes across to others.

If this sounds interesting to you, please check out the website for all the details, here:

I hope I might get to see you there!

Please feel free, also, to just hit reply to this email and ask any questions.



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