Mike Adams Stock up on limited quantities of lab-verified Organic Non-Fat Milk Powder for your survival pantry

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Groovy Bee Organic Non-Fat Milk Powder

Loaded with essential nutrients, organic milk is one of the world's most nutritious beverages. This is especially true when it is sourced from healthy cows raised under strict organic standards as they provide milk without any of the toxic hormones or GMOs found in conventional milk products. However, since fresh milk spoils quickly, it can be very difficult to store long-term in case of a food emergency. Fortunately, organic milk can be dried to give it a much longer shelf life.

Versatile, shelf-stable and cost-effective, Groovy Bee Organic Non-Fat Milk Powder is a highly nutritious beverage that belongs in your survival pantry. Our high-quality lab-verified milk powder can easily increase your daily intake of calcium, potassium, protein and other nutrients in any situation. Simply add water to make a convenient healthy beverage or incorporate it into your other recipes for a nutritional upgrade.

Groovy Bee Non-Fat Milk Powder is sourced from healthy cows that are ethically raised without the use of growth hormones, antibiotics or pesticides. It contains no added gluten or GMOs and is extensively lab tested for glyphosate, heavy metals and microbiology. Our non-fat milk powder is also non-China and is certified Kosher and organic.

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* These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, prevent or cure any disease.

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