October 11, 2020
Dear Valued Reader,

Miss anything in the week that was?  Have no fear, your firendly neighborhood Gumshoe is here to catch you up...

It should come as no surprise, given the mania surrounding SPACs these days, but the most popular article this week was about Empire Financial's big "SPAC Summit" presentation -- Enrique Abeyta ended up hosting that presentation on Thursday evening, but all week he was hinting at his favorite ideas that would be reserved for paid subscribers... so what did they end up being?  You can see the Thinkolator results and a lot of follow-up discussion if you click below to...

He found Apple at $1.49... Oracle at $0.51... Amazon at $46.

Marketwatch call him "The Advisor Who Recommended Google Before Anyone Else."

Now, investing legend Louis Navellier is revealing his Top 6 Stocks to Buy Now.

Download your free copy here.


Several Gumshoe readers have asked me what Tom Gardner is recommending for his pricey new "portfolio" service -- he calls this The Ownership Portfolio, and it's all about identifying founder-led companies that he thinks will be outstanding investments.   They say that this service will launch with a dozen investment ideas, and we don't know them all... but they do hint at three of them in the ad, so we fired up the Thinkolator and see if any answers to those clues are in the offing -- my story on that is here.

I also followed up on an earlier teaser solution that's still generating a lot of questions -- the recent tease is focused on the idea that this “New IPO" is "targeted by the billionaire behind Google and Amazon” ... and David Fessler continues to hint that it's, “The Next Stock of the Decade” -- Thinkolator results here.

Doc Gumshoe also popped in to share some thoughts on headaches, something many of us are no doubt familiar with during this overheated election season -- more specifically, he's looking into the current treatments and understanding of migraines, you can see that piece here.

And as weeks tend to do, this one ended with a Friday... and that means another Friday File for the Irregulars.  OK, fine, I didn't actually finish it until Saturday morning... but still, it's chock-a-block with SPAC stories and updates on our Real Money Portfolio holdings, just click below for the full story...

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