These 13 words just sent panic across Wall Street and America's biggest banks. Why? Because with the stroke of a pen, Pres. Trump could destroy the rigged financial system that's been robbing Main Street Americans blind since 1971. And he's been telegraphing this move all along. See, Trump began stockpiling massive amounts of physical gold in 1974 - when President Ford lifted the 41-year ban on private gold ownership. Even now, he demands gold bars as security deposits for his luxury properties... And according to a groundbreaking NASDAQ investigation that's been confirmed by a Pulitzer Prize-worthy Bloomberg report... It's emerged that Pres. Trump has assembled a dream team determined to return America to sound money principles. The last president to try anything this daring was Herbert Hoover - until FDR swooped in, confiscated Americans' private gold, and devalued the dollar by 40%. Now, Trump's next move is perhaps Washington's best-kept secret... That's why Steve Bannon - Trump's former chief strategist - sent money managers into a panic when he recently let slip that: Trump Could Restore America To The Gold Standard In An Emergency Executive Order... And for investors who position their money in advance, this historic opportunity could change everything. |