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Week 7
France advances the fight against plastic pollution
An anti-waste law promoting circular economy has been adopted earlier this year by the French National Assembly. Its target is to reinforce producers' responsabilities, accuracy of information to consumers, simplification of waste sorting and waste reduction by optimizing recycling. Surfrider Europe highlights the main points of the 2020 legislation and explains how it will reduce plastic pollution of our ocean.
Weâve all been told that we should recycle plastic bottles and containers. But what actually happens to the plastic if we just throw it away? Emma Bryce traces the life cycles of three different plastic bottles, shedding light on the dangers these disposables present to our world.
This week we challenged our community to share our favorite ocean-friendly DIYs we all created during confinement! From homemade soaps to upcycled sponges, by getting creative with objects around the house we can easily reduce our waste and keep our water clean. Watch these great tutorials from Surfrider Europe family members @youmakefashion and @surfragette !
Oceanâs Zero is your personal assistant, available at any time to bring you towards a zero waste way of life. The zero waste is a lifestyle which aims at generating less waste and limit your impact on the environment.