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Dodge City Daily Globe
17 Jun, 2020
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State leaders praise Supreme Court’s ruling on LGBTQ discrimination
Gov. Laura Kelly lauded Monday's U.S. Supreme Court ruling protecting LGBTQ employees from workplace discrimination, calling it a "remarkable step in the right direction."
Bob Beatty: GOP choices abound in race for U.S. Senate

In one of Ronald Reagan's presidential runs he had a TV ad that ended with the phrase, "The choice is clear." For Kansas Republican voters pondering whom to vote for in the Aug. 4 U.S. Senate primary, the opposite is true.

Sedgwick, Riley among counties with upward COVID-19 case rate trend

Three weeks after Gov. Laura Kelly transferred power to county health officials, allowing them to make their own decisions on reopening plans, 13 counties are seeing increases in daily COVID-19 case rates.

KDHE rolls out COVID-19 testing strategy

After months of an evolving testing strategy, Kansas has released a statewide strategy that will utilize four types of testing facilities, two methods of testing and the ability to more quickly identify a positive COVID-19 case.

Health director: Reno County COVID increase ‘not significant trend’

Though Reno County's COVID-19 case count jumped by five over the weekend, Health Department director Nick Baldetti took exception to the Kansas Secretary of Health including Reno County among counties with "significant increasing trends" of the virus in a presentation.*9*9*9*9*9+