| | | | Serving the Broadcast, Production, Broadband, Satellite and Mobile Markets |
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| | Special Report: Ad Insertion In An OTT World - 03.31.17 |
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| | The Heart of the Workflow | The key to getting the true benefits of the move to IT-centric broadcast and media infrastructures lies in developing new, service-oriented ways of working, allowing the organization to determine what best suits its creative and commercial needs, freed from the limitations of fixed architectures. That cannot happen without the right metadata. | Read More » |
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| | SCTE-104/35 and Beyond: A Look at Ad Insertion in an OTT World | Ad insertion is a very important part of many video delivery systems because of the monetization aspect—it generates revenue! With Over-The-Top (OTT) video delivery on the internet, the holy grail of advertisement is finally achievable—it is technically possible to send individual, personalized ads to each viewer. | Read More» |
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