Are you making a $200,000 mistake?
| | Social Security: | | Are you making a $200,000 mistake? | | Find out with a FREE Social Security and Retirement Review Offer expires 10 pm Tuesday! | |
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| | | | The calendar is filling up – get your slot now! |
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| | Starting Social Security too early can cost couples as much as $200,000 over the course of their retirement. Call us right now and get your FREE Social Security and Retirement Review. Help avoid expensive mistakes by getting the right financial advice. You see, Social Security is just part of your income in retirement. So when you meet with us, you’ll also get a complete personal financial plan (an $800 value!) to help you get the most retirement income possible. There’s no obligation. No risk. No cost. Lots of value! |
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| | | | A Social Security and retirement income analysis |
| | | A review of your investments |
| | | A personal financial plan (an $800 value) |
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| | | | The calendar is filling up – get your slot now! |
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| | We’re ranked the #1 Independent Financial Advisory Firm by Barron’s¹ |
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