Do you know what July 6th is?

Fun fact for friend!

Did you know that Saturday, July 6th is National Hop-a-Park Day?! We’re just learning about this holiday with an-awesome-name and an-awesome-concept. Team Sierra will be celebrating in style in our new Doing Good By Nature caps, and we want you to join us! . 

Here's the scoop:

WHO: YOU! And Team Sierra teammates all around the country. 

WHAT: National Hop-A-Park Day, a day to get outside and appreciate the green spaces around us. Picnic, bike ride, enjoy the playground, or watch the clouds and breath the fresh air!

WHAT: Your local park -- or adventure to a new spot to explore.

WHEN: July 6, 2019. 

HOW: Set up a fundraising page here and raise $100 to get your cap!

Shipping takes 5-10 business days, so raising funds and ordering your hat by June 27 gives you a good chance to get your cap in time to wear on Hop-a-Park Day!

I’ll be hopping to Nickerson State Park in Massachusetts to explore some of the ponds, where will you celebrate?

Jenny Muschinske
Team Sierra Coordinator 
Team Sierra

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