February in Brief In February, HRSA announced historic steps for theOrgan Procurement and Transplantation Network Modernization Initiative, provided keynote remarks at a policy and issues forum for health center leaders from across the country, participated in the Biden-Harris Administrations Fight for Reproductive Freedom Tour, presented at the National Rural Health Association policy conference, met with state and territorial health leaders to discuss ways to enhance partnerships, joined an HHS and National Governors Association convening of state officials on maternal health, and commemorated National Black HIV/AIDS Awareness Day. Recent HRSA Highlights HRSA Announces Historic New Steps To Transform the Organ Transplant System To Better Serve Patients  On February 6, HRSA announced historic steps as part of itsOrgan Procurement and Transplantation Network (OPTN) Modernization Initiative, leveraging new legal authority proposed in the Presidents Fiscal Year 2024 Budget and signed into law as part of theSecuring the U.S. Organ Procurement and Transplantation Network Actin September 2023. For the first time, HRSA is issuing requests for proposals to support multiple contract awards. This action will increase competition, ensuring patients and their families benefit from best-in-class vendors. Previously, across the nearly 40-year history of the OPTN, all functions of the OPTN were managed by a single vendor rather than multiple contracts based on technical expertise in areas like IT or operations. |
HRSA Leaders Participate in 2024 Health Center Policy and Issues Conference  On February 13, HRSA Administrator Carole Johnson provided keynote remarks at the National Association of Community Health Centers Policy and Issues Forum in Washington, DC. Administrator Johnson highlighted HRSA-supported health centers vital role in expanding access to and providing health care services for more than 30 million people, underscored the need to renew and expand funding for the program, and emphasized the proposals in the Presidents Budget to strengthen access to primary health care for high-need communities, including by ensuring all HRSA-supported health centers provide mental health and substance use disorder services. Bureau of Primary Health Care (BPHC) Associate Administrator Jim Macrae and Bureau of Health Workforce Associate Administrator Dr. Luis Padilla also presented key primary care and workforce priorities during the Forum. |
 HRSA Joins Fight for Reproductive Freedom Tour  On February 6, HRSA Deputy Administrator Jordan Grossman joined Vice President Kamala Harris in Savannah, Georgia, for the Fight for Reproductive Freedoms Tour to highlight HRSAs maternal health investments and the work of the Biden-Harris Administration to protect and expand access to reproductive care. |
HRSA Leaders Participate in 2024 Health Center Policy and Issues Conference  HRSA Administrator Johnson discussed the agencys support of rural health care at the National Rural Health Associations 35th annual Rural Health Policy Institute held in Washington, DC, from February 13 15. Over 500 rural health care professionals convened tolearn first-hand about the development and implementation of rural health care policy at the federal level. In her remarks, the Administrator emphasized several key programs aimed at expanding the health workforce and improving health care accessibility in rural and underserved communities, including the Rural Maternity and Obstetrics Management Strategies Program, the Rural Communities Opioid Response Program, and the Rural Residency Planning and Development Program. Additionally, she highlighted current and future steps in combatting both the opioid and maternal mortality crisis. Federal Office of Rural Health Policy (FORHP) Associate Administrator Tom Morris also presented on FORHP priorities relating to behavioral health, workforce investment, rural hospitals, and rural health care access. FORHP leaders also brought together over 15-funded partners to share updates and resources, and brainstorm ways to enhance coordination in support of rural communities. |
HRSA Meets with State and Territorial Health Leaders  OnFebruary 26, Administrator Johnson met with state and territorial health leaders at the Association of State and Territorial Health Officials Board of Director Spring Meeting in Washington, DC. The Administrator shared updates on HRSA priorities and opportunities to enhance partnerships with state and territorial health departments around maternal health, HIV, the health workforce, and health equity, including HRSA's Enhancing Maternal Health Initiative. She was joined by several HRSA leaders, including Maternal and Child Health Bureau Associate Administrator Dr. Michael Warren, HIV/AIDS Bureau Associate Administrator Dr. Laura Cheever, Office of Health Equity Director Michelle Allender, and Office of Intergovernmental and External Affairs Associate Administrator Antigone Dempsey. |
HRSA Participates in HHS Secretarys Postpartum Maternal Health Collaborative Kickoff Event  On February 14, Deputy Administrator Jordan Grossman joined the launch of the newHHS Secretarys Postpartum Maternal Health Collaborative, where he highlighted HRSAs extensive maternal health work, including HRSA's Enhancing Maternal Health Initiative.Secretary Becerra and HHS leaders met with the NationalGovernorsAssociation (NGA) andstate leaders from Iowa, Massachusetts, Maryland, Michigan, Minnesota, and New Mexicoto kick off the collaborative's work focused on supporting new solutions to improve maternal mortality. The event also marked the launch of NGA'sImproving Maternal and Child Health in Rural America State and Territory Policy Learning Collaborative, which HRSA supports through the National Organizations of State and Local Officialsprogram. |
HRSA Commemorates National Black HIV/AIDS Awareness Day  On February 7, HRSAs Ryan White HIV/AIDS Program commemorated National Black HIV/AIDS Awareness Day, highlighting the Programs work addressing barriers to HIV care and creating supportive communities for Black/African American people with HIV. In 2022, 87.1% of Black/African American Ryan White Program clients receiving medical care were virally suppressed, which is a significant increase from 63.3% virally suppressed in 2010. The commemoration was an opportunity to raise awareness about the availability of HIV care and treatment services for Black/African American people, to reduce HIV stigma and HIV-related health disparities, and to encourage those who are undiagnosed to get tested. In the U.S., Black/African American people continue to be disproportionately affected by HIV. |
News From the Regions HRSA Attends the National Association of County Officials Conference  On February 13, HRSA staff exhibited during the National Association of County Officials Conference Federal Agency Expo in Washington, DC. The event brought together nearly 2,000 elected and appointed county officials to focus on federal policy issues that impact counties, resources, and solutions. |
HRSA Presents at the Northwest Regional Primary Care Association Western Forum in Seattle, Washington  On February 22, HRSA Region 10 (Alaska, Idaho, Oregon, and Washington) Regional Administrator Sharon Turner gave opening remarks at the Northwest Regional Primary Care Association Western Forum on Migrant and Community Health, which convened health professionals from migrant and community health centers and allied organizations. BPHC staff also discussed migrant and seasonal agricultural workers health needs and highlighted HRSAs community health worker programs. Regional Grants 101 Workshops  HRSA continues to host Grants 101 workshops across the country to reach new populations and promote HRSA funding opportunities, especially in rural and underserved communities. - On February 22, HRSA Region 6 (Arkansas, Louisiana, New Mexico, Oklahoma, and Texas) led a virtual grants workshop at the quarterly Texas Association of Rural Health Clinics Rural Health Clinic Listening Session to promote HRSA funding opportunities.
- On February 27, HRSA Region 7 (Iowa, Missouri, Nebraska, and Kansas) hosted a Grants 101 workshop in Kearney, Nebraska, which included a federal funding panel featuring HRSA, the Administration for Children and Families, U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development, and U.S. Department of Agriculture, among others.
- On February 29, HRSA Region 7 (Iowa, Missouri, Nebraska, and Kansas) hosted a Grants 101 workshop in Omaha, Nebraska, in partnership with the HHS Region 7 Regional Director and a local nonprofit organization, the Empowerment Network, to share resources to navigate the federal grant application process.
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