Best Tips (May 02, 2019)
Here is a delicious option for dinner. This comfort food is bound to be enjoyed by the whole family. If you have a family favorite recipe, please take a couple of photos next time you make it. Submissions are eligible for photo bonuses and are entered into our Recipe contest for $50.

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Today's Featured Post

Smothered Pork Chops

By littergitter

A pan of smothered pork chops.Before I became allergic to wheat, I used self rising flour for cooking smothered pork chops. When I had to go gluten free, I found that Betty Crocker Gluten Free Bisquick works just as well.

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Today's Guides
Landscape Fabric Alternatives
A beautifully landscaped garden.
How Often Do Finches Lay Eggs?
A nest with 5 finch eggs.
Replacing Elastic Waistbands
Feeding elastic through the waist of a pair of pajama pants.
Using Dish Soap to Unclog a Toilet
Hand in a rubber glove holding pink dish soap.
Sausage Stew Recipes
Sausage Stew
Freezing Eggs
A wicker bowl of eggs.
Today's Posts

Dishwasher Cubes

Dishwasher cubes on a white background.Instead of buying expensive and caustic dishwasher detergent, make your own version with simple ingredients and an ice cube tray. It will save you money and peace of mind. Learn how to make them in this short video.

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