Green your ride and support the Sierra Club Foundation
Donate your vehicle to the Sierra Club Foundation.

Dear voornaam,

Do you have a vehicle that you no longer need? Consider donating it to the Sierra Club Foundation! Instead of continuing to drive your old car, you can fuel the fight for clean air by switching to a greener vehicle—or no vehicle at all! With your car donation, the Sierra Club Foundation can continue its work helping to ensure that future generations can breathe fresh air, drink safe water, and experience wild places. You'll get a free pick-up for that old car, truck, trailer, boat, motorcycle, or other vehicle you aren't using.

It's Easy! Donate Today.

Donate now by calling 855-337-4377 or visit Our partners at CARS will handle the rest, and you'll get a tax receipt. CARS is taking the health and safety of donors, drivers, and associates very seriously, and closely monitoring the developing effects of the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic. They have requested that drivers do their best to practice safe and secure interactions with donors, including minimizing contact.

Thank you for all that you do,
The Sierra Club

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2101 Webster St., Suite 1300, Oakland, CA 94612

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