More money isn’t the key to improving California’s public schools • California made primary elections boring. Voter participation reflects that
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Thursday, February 29, 2024

Sign stealing roils Orange Unified recall

If Ledesma and Miner are recalled, more than signs will be pilfered.

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More money isn’t the key to improving California’s public schools

Examining the expansion of the school choice and local control policies that had student achievement trending upward before COVID-19 would be an excellent place to start.

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California made primary elections boring. Voter participation reflects that

In effect, while Democrats say they want to maximize voter participation, their changes in the primary system are effectively minimizing turnout.

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Gov. Newsom’s budget tricks must be stopped

As California lawmakers wrestle with a now-$73 billion deficit in next year’s budget, the Legislative Analyst’s Office is warning about a “trailer bill” proposed by Gov. Gavin Newsom related to the previous budget. It’s an $8 billion maneuver that amounts to an interest-free loan to hide a revenue shortfall affecting school funding.

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Nostalgia versus numbers: Challenging America’s economic pessimism

One thing that won’t help, though, is to erroneously claim that people were economically better off back then and call on government to fix an imaginary problem.

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The pipe dream presidential candidacy of Gavin Newsom or Michelle Obama

If Biden can fog up a mirror come Election Day, he will be the nominee.

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Irvine school dispute shows need for school choice

The Irvine case is a reminder that students need school choice so their parents can spend more time picking the right educational program than picking the right lawyer.

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California spends billions on homelessness yet the crisis keeps getting worse

California not only has the nation’s largest number of homeless people, but one of its highest rates of homelessness vis-à-vis its overall population.

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America should follow California’s lead on sex education and HIV prevention education

While California champions progressive policies, there are still misconceptions and resistance in our own state surrounding comprehensive sex education.

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John Stossel: Americans pay the price for an overly-complicated tax code

I’m pretty good at math, but I no longer prepare my own taxes. The form alone scares me.

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