On April 29 -- the 100th day of the Trump administration -- we the people will be in the streets of Washington, D.C., to show the world and our leaders that we will resist the administration’s attacks on our people, our communities, and our planet.
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Rise Up and March for the Planet on April 29
Rise Up and March for the Planet on April 29

On April 29—the 100th day of the Trump administration—we the people will be in the streets of Washington, D.C., to show the world and our leaders that we will resist the administration's attacks on our people, our communities, and our planet. We will come together from across the United States to solidify and strengthen our movement. We will demonstrate our power and resolve at the gates of the White House. We will bring our solutions to the climate crisis, problems affecting our communities, and threats to peace, and demand action from our leaders in Congress.

RSVP and join us in D.C.—or find a Sister March near you.

Then Stand Up for Immigrants on May 1
Then Stand Up for Immigrants on May 1

Immigrants' rights partners are organizing nationwide rallies on May 1 to support immigrants and resist Trump's deportation machine. At our partners' invitation, the Sierra Club is supporting the rallies to make clear that a broad, diverse movement stands united in resisting Trump's anti-immigrant policies. The day of action is part of a coordinated weekend of resistance that includes the Peoples Climate March on April 29. Two days after you show up to protest Trump's attacks on our climate, we encourage you to take a stand against Trump's attacks on immigrant families, who often disproportionately bear the brunt of climate change.

Find a rally happening near you.

Climate of Hope
Climate of Hope

"The 2016 election has left many of those concerned about climate change feeling despondent," write former New York City mayor Michael Bloomberg and former Sierra Club executive director Carl Pope in their new book, Climate of Hope: How Cities, Businesses, and Citizens Can Save the Planet, just out today. Jodie Van Horn, director of the Sierra Club's Ready for 100 campaign, which works to get municipalities to commit to a goal of 100 percent renewable energy for their community, reviewed an advance copy.

Read what Van Horn has to say about Climate of Hope, and find out why Bloomberg and Pope are optimistic about our prospects for combatting climate change.

A Matter of Wildlife and Death
A Matter of Wildlife and Death

Two weeks ago, President Trump signed a House/Senate resolution that overturns a Fish and Wildlife Service rule banning "predator control" on or near federal wildlife refuges in Alaska. Activities now allowed on those refuges include shooting or trapping wolves while in their dens with pups, killing bear cubs or mothers with cubs, and hunting for grizzly bears from airplanes.

The Trump administration's policies will hurt a lot of people, but it isn't just humans who will suffer.

Your Guide to the Perfect Vacation
Your Guide to the Perfect Vacation

Tranquility. Camaraderie. Endless views. Whatever you're seeking in the perfect vacation, you'll find it here, from backpack to base camp, family, international, service, water, and more. But don't wait too long. Many of these trips are nearly full and will not be repeated, so reserve your spot now before it's too late.

See all trips and sign up.

Photo by Tom Miller

The Return of Park Ranger Diplomacy
The Return of Park Ranger Diplomacy

Vlado Vançura, a former park ranger for Tatra National Park in Poland, was part of a long collaboration between the National Park Service and the American Peace Corps that was intended to build cultural exchanges between countries around national parks. The collaboration ended in 2001, but recent discussions between the Park Service and the Peace Corps could give it new life, just as American diplomacy enters an uncertain new era. "It would be excellent," Vançura says, "to see your National Park Service back in Europe."

Find out more.

Photo by Jim O'Donnell

Easy Ways to Green Up Your Earth Day This Saturday
Easy Ways to Green Up Your Earth Day This Saturday

Looking for ways you can "go green" this Earth Day (April 22)? We've got suggestions galore, from volunteering to be an outings leader to taking a hike in your 'hood and fundraising for the good ol' Sierra Club (we'll give you a really cool Earth Day t-shirt if you raise $30). You can pledge to start composting or embrace Meatless Mondays (we'll provide you with yummy recipes), or donate your old clunker to benefit the Sierra Club Foundation. Learn about composting in urban areas, avoiding palm oil, growing vegetables more efficiently, dealing with food waste in a way that's easy on the Earth, or finding the most ecofriendly toilet paper and tile cleaner—plus we have great new content from Sierra magazine and new merchandise from the Sierra Club store.

Check out our Earth Day offerings!

If You Hafta Renegotiate NAFTA
If You Hafta Renegotiate NAFTA

Donald Trump says he wants to renegotiate NAFTA, but given the makeup and predilections of his cabinet, there is a real chance he would actually make it worse. Renegotiation of NAFTA must focus on climate action, clean air and water, healthy communities, and good jobs.

Tell your members of Congress that any renegotiation of NAFTA should benefit people and our climate, not big multinational corporations.

Kids for Clean Energy
Kids for Clean Energy

To build momentum for strong clean energy legislation being considered by the Nevada legislature, Climate Parents brought 40 middle school kids and teachers from Reno to the state capitol for a "Kids for Clean Energy" day. The students prepared posters and talking points to help make their case to ten bipartisan legislators, and three students spoke in support of a community solar bill in a senate hearing. The kids left Carson City fired up to help create the changes they want to see in the world, and scores of legislators were in turn reminded of what's at stake in the votes they're about to cast.

Read more, and find out how you can get involved with Climate Parents.

Bison Return to Banff
Bison Return to Banff

For the first time in 140 years, wild bison are roaming Banff National Park in Alberta, Canada. Like their brethren south of the 49th parallel, bison were hunted nearly to extinction on the Canadian plains in the late 1800s. But now Parks Canada, the country's national park service, is working with indigenous Canadians to return bison to their rightful home on the eastern slopes of the Canadian Rockies.

Read more about this landmark restoration plan.

A Place Worth Protecting
A Place Worth Protecting

When Sierra Club executive director Michael Brune traveled to the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge, he found a place teeming with life, including polar bears, musk oxen, and some 200 species of birds. It's also the calving grounds of the Porcupine caribou herd, which has sustained the Gwich'in Nation for millennia. "Why is it that people in Alabama or Wisconsin or Arizona care about the Arctic?" Brune asks. "I think part of the reason is that they want to see a large area of wilderness protected for all the species that live here. But I think there's something more."

Find out what that something is in our new video—and take action to protect the Arctic Refuge.

Confronting the Growth Monster
Confronting the Growth Monster

"When you see nature falling to pieces, start trying to put some parts back together." Gobi Bear Fund director and wildlife biologist Douglas Chadwick says it's still okay to hike, travel, fall in love, make some money, and have fun in the face of climate change.

The key is to also... well, read on to find out.

Photo courtesy of Joe Riis

3 Ways to Picnic Without Plastic
3 Ways to Picnic Without Plastic

According to the Center for Biological Diversity, Americans use upward of 100 billion plastic bags a year—and 12 million barrels of oil are required to manufacture them. Plastic pollution claims the lives of fish, birds, and endangered species.

But three manufacturers are setting out to change that.

We Hold These Truths
We Hold These Truths...

Everyone deserves clean air, clean water, and communities free from toxic pollution. As Thomas Jefferson wrote in the Declaration of Independence, we hold these truths to be self-evident. Actors Joseph Gordon-Levitt and Chloe Sevigny and film director Darren Aronofsky were among the more than 400,000 people who marched in the first Peoples Climate March in New York City in the fall of 2014. Now, they are spreading the word about this year's march, to be held in Washington, D.C. on April 29, by collaborating with recording artist CYN on a beautiful, inspiring new video: We Hold These Truths.

Watch the video—and join us for the People's Climate March on April 29.

Don't Let Congress Gut the Antiquities Act
Don't Let Congress Gut the Antiquities Act

The Republican leadership in Congress is mounting the most aggressive attack on public lands in our nation's history. It's a given that they will try to undo as much of President Obama's legacy as they can, but that's only where their intentions begin. Ultimately, they want to dismantle the Antiquities Act, which authorizes the president to create national monuments from federal lands in order to protect natural, cultural, or scientific features.

Tell your members of Congress to protect the Antiquities Act and uphold the national monuments designated by President Obama.

Sponsored Content: If You Care
Sponsored Content: If You Care

Our FSC® certified unbleached, non-stick parchment roasting bags create a brand new way to roast perfect holiday turkeys, hams, chicken, fish and more...with totally natural, chlorine-free paper instead of plastic. They seal in the juices to create delicious, tender, moist meat that literally falls off the bone. Oven safe to 428 degrees F. 100% natural, gluten and allergen free.

Learn more!

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