Enroll in the Short Story Fundamentals Workshop and learn how to structure a short story for maximum effect. Find out what the ending of your story needs to accomplish and where to leave the reader. Spend four weeks writing, getting feedback on assignments, and honing your skills. If you've been looking for answers on how to make your story better then this is the class for you. Sign up and allow a professional writer to help you on your way. The online workshop begins March 24th. In the Short Story Fundamentals class you will have the opportunity to write and submit the beginning, middle, and end of your short story in sections. You will pay special attention to structure and pacing. You'll keep in mind the way you balance the internal lives of your characters with the external action of the story. You'll get a chance to write in flashbacks and flash forwards. Then, you'll revise and submit a complete draft of your short story for critique. "As far as my comments to students go, most of what I say is based on 25+ years of experience writing and teaching popular fiction. I have 25 titles in print, some of them best sellers, published when one out of 5000+ unsolicited MSS were accepted from new writers by major publishers like Putnam, Avon, Berkley, NAL, Tor, William Morrow...those were my publishers. The advice I give is...invaluable." ~ John DeChancie
One student said, "Beginning writers would be lucky to have an instructor like John. He was very helpful with my assignments, and his comments on them were constructive, while not being disrespectful. I've learned through the years that a writer needs a thick skin when it comes to having your work critiqued, but he helped me on my mistakes and praised me when I did well." Another student said, "John's critiques helped me significantly." Commit Yourself to Your Craft. Join the Short Story Fundamentals Workshop. Class starts Thursday, March 24th. The course system is open 24 hours per day. Work on your own time. There is no scheduled time to meet. Sign up today! All writers are welcome. All upcoming courses can be viewed at this link. Thank you for being part of the writing community.