Utility Dive's Top News

Daily edition | Sept.​ 13,​ 2019




Note from the editor


The future of state-subsidized resources within PJM's capacity market hangs on a highly-anticipated decision by federal regulators, and we've received feedback about the projected impacts of a minimum offer price rule (MOPR).

Grid Strategies estimated a strong application of MOPR would cost $5.7 billion per year, which the Electric Power Supply Association disputed in an op-ed, accusing the group of "cherry picking" figures. Grid Strategies issued a response and today Utility Dive is running an op-ed from the Electricity Consumers Resource Council, which says the cost of MOPR will place a large and unnecessary burden on the industry.

We welcome their viewpoints and we want to know what you think. What are you looking for in the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission's upcoming order?

Thanks for reading,

Iulia Gheorghiu
Editor, Utility Dive
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