ScienceDaily: Living Well News

How vaccine-related fears affect the flu shot experience

Posted: 21 Jul 2022 07:14 AM PDT

A novel long-term study of how vaccine-related fears influence flu shot outcomes has found that these fears not only reduce vaccination, but also fuel symptoms of dizziness and lightheadedness at the time of the injection.

Do benefits of physical, mental activity on thinking differ for men and women?

Posted: 20 Jul 2022 04:37 PM PDT

Studies have shown that physical and mental activity help preserve thinking skills and delay dementia. A new study suggests that these benefits may vary for men and women.

Feeding dogs raw meat associated with increased presence of antibiotic-resistant bacteria

Posted: 20 Jul 2022 04:37 PM PDT

New research has revealed an association between the feeding of raw meat to pet dogs and the presence of bacteria resistant to critically important antibiotics.

Engineered mattress tricks your body to fall asleep faster

Posted: 20 Jul 2022 12:06 PM PDT

Bioengineers have developed a unique mattress and pillow system that uses heating and cooling to tell the body it is time to go to sleep.