The Trump administration just announced plans to eviscerate the Endangered Species Act. -- Read and share our stories.
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Resist Trump’s Attack on the Endangered Species Act

The Trump administration just announced plans to eviscerate the Endangered Species Act. The proposed changes will strip vital protections from threatened species, allow major destruction of critical habitat, and remove agency accountability to protect wildlife or address threats to wildlife from climate change. We can't let Interior weaken this landmark legislation that has saved 99% of species listed from extinction.

Take action! Tell Interior Secretary David Bernhardt that you oppose gutting the Endangered Species Act.

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Photo by Wodniak
Grizzlies Are Back—On the Endangered Species List

Twice in the past 10 years, the US Fish and Wildlife Service has attempted to remove federal protections for grizzly bears in and around Yellowstone National Park. Last fall, Tribal Nations, the Sierra Club, and allied conservation groups took Fish and Wildlife to court and won, narrowly averting a trophy hunt—and last week grizzlies officially got their protections back.

What finally compelled the Feds to return protections to Yellowstone bears?

Can Animals Change With the Climate?

As climate change transforms habitats across the globe, animals are already beginning to adapt. But a new study looks at whether they are doing so fast enough to match the pace of human-driven climate change.

What can birds and other species tell us about surviving climate change?
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Photo courtesy of NOAA/Mridula Srinivasan
How Can We Protect Whales From the Shipping Industry?

Marine biologists and technology specialists out of the University of California, Santa Barbara, have been searching for a way to keep endangered whales safer from the shipping industry.

Their solution?

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Photo courtesy of NonFood
The Future Is Algae (Again)

Algae energy bars? As the climate crisis stokes environmental anxieties about feeding billions of people, algae has begun to captivate a new generation of food wonks. But can it really change the world?

And what about the taste?

Check out our newest international and domestic Outings!
Photo by Breitpaul
Our Newest International and Domestic Journeys

Extraordinary adventures await. Hike through breathtaking Slovenia, with sweeping vistas of the Adriatic Sea as a backdrop. Discover the legendary landscapes and rich traditions of rural Mongolia. Roam through medieval cities and deep mountain gorges in Morocco. Or select from a range of unforgettable domestic experiences including service, snow, Hawaii, and the American Caribbean.

See all trips and sign up.

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Green on Green

"Hey Mr. Green," writes David in Cincinnati. "I’m on the board of a small nonprofit. We are trying to decide how best to encourage households to be greener. We would like to know to what extent people recycle, compost, drive eco-friendly cars, use public transportation, use LED lighting, and use green energy. This would show where the greatest need for education and our efforts would be."

The Sierra Club’s cognoscente of conservation contemplates the conundrum.

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Photo by iStockphoto/Pineapple Studio
Disclose Who Pays for Online Political Ads

Lax oversight by tech companies such as Facebook, Twitter, and Google allowed Russian agents to purchase thousands of ads, craft viral content seen by millions, and create a network of trolls and bots during the 2016 election. Tech companies shouldn't be tasked with policing themselves when they can profit from misuse of their products. The bipartisan Honest Ads Act would disclose spending on online political ads, just like radio and television ads already do.

Tell your members of Congress to support the Honest Ads Act.

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Register for Backyard Day today!
Team Sierra’s Third Annual Backyard Day

On September 14, Team Sierra will celebrate Backyard Day, dedicated to honoring the places in your own proverbial backyard where you feel at home in the out-of-doors—whether it’s a local trail, the beach where you’ve been going since you were a kid, or the beautiful park in the center of town. Team Sierra is celebrating Backyard Day with a virtual 5K/10K/whatever K, and all participants will get a printable bib and a Backyard Day keychain.

Register for Backyard Day.

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Compost or, Compost Your Perishables

Nearly 40% of the food produced for human consumption never even makes it out of the kitchen. When excess unserved or uneaten food is buried in a landfill, it creates methane, which exacerbates global warming. Composting is an inexpensive, natural, fun process that transforms your food waste into nutrient-rich food for your garden and helps tackle food-related greenhouse gas emissions.

Take the pledge to reduce your food waste and start composting today.

Pledge today!
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Meating Climate Change Head-On

Raising meat causes significantly more global warming pollution than growing vegetables. Reducing our consumption of animal protein can make a big dent in global warming emissions like carbon dioxide, methane, and nitrous oxide. Not ready to give up meat entirely? You can still make a difference.

Take the pledge to skip eating meat one day a week.

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Your Help Can Still Make a Difference in North Carolina

Late August will mark one year since Hurricane Florence slammed ashore in the southeastern US, killing more than 50 people and causing more than $24 billion in damage across four states. The Sierra Club helped raise funds for hurricane relief and recovery in North Carolina in the immediate aftermath of the storm. Along with the many partner agencies that the North Carolina Community Foundation supports, we raised more than $2 million.

But your help is still needed today.

Shop today!
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Explore, Enjoy, and Protect

Now the youngest environmentalists in the family can show their support for the Sierra Club, too! This new 100% combed ringspun cotton onesie is soft, durable, and features an adorable Explore, Enjoy, and Protect graphic.

Available in sizes 6-month and 12-month.


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