Thursday, 09 March 2023

Cutting-edge insulation, solar water heaters, efficient air-conditioning, advanced plumbing fittings, and irrigation technology will save energy and water at WAREFA

“The opportunities to work on large-scale, fast-paced projects in the Gulf region will be a drawcard for women MEP engineers worldwide.”

“I have high hopes that we are set on the right track, and soon enough, we will achieve the accurate purpose of diversity and inclusion.”

“I still often find myself solo in meetings and always part of the minority.”

“Safety at work of all kinds should be deliberated and demonstrated in inductions for females to accept posting at project sites with willingness and confidence.”

“Continued efforts to promote gender diversity and inclusion will be essential for the industry’s growth and success.”

VIDEO: Unlock insights with informative panel discussions


Almas Tholot
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