No, really, Californians should support a federal privacy law • Kamala Harris for governor of California? It could happen.
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Monday, April 29, 2024

Ron Paul: Joe Biden’s TikTok hypocrisy

The silver lining in the TikTok ban is it is waking up more Americans, especially young Americans, to the threat the out-of-control welfare-warfare-surveillance state poses to their liberty and prosperity.

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No, really, Californians should support a federal privacy law

A comprehensive federal privacy and security law can positively impact California’s economy and enhance Californians’ privacy and security.

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Kamala Harris for governor of California? It could happen.

The upshot is that if Biden and Harris lose this fall, Harris would need to prove herself in a way she never has before she could be considered a serious future presidential candidate.

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The Republican Party needs to save itself from the populist Trump cult

The party needs self-examination to prevent drifting away from democracy.

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California’s uncertain future with zero-emission vehicle mandate fast approaching

Mandates to comply with unforgiving standards set by an unelected regulatory body will determine the success or failure of many small businesses and local agencies here in California.

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Fight over Huntington Beach voter ID laws: Letters

Re “HB’s silly fight over the voter ID law” (April 25): Your editorial states “that there is no voter-fraud problem in Huntington Beach or Orange County.” Says who? Do we expect the same people that are in charge of preventing voter fraud to admit that there is fraud and that they are not preventing it? Clearly, the voters in Huntington Beach think that we need to tighten up the requirements. Now, most of the ballots cast are by mail. So, if you received the ballot in the mail, you already have mail service. If the county provided postage-paid envelopes more […]

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Assembly Democrats kill bill to ban use of NDAs in legislative negotiations

What do they have to hide? On Thursday, the California Assembly’s Elections Committee killed legislation that would ban the use of non-disclosure agreements in legislative negotiations.

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Washington, D.C. shouldn’t run the nation’s economy

As policymakers grapple with the best path forward, it is imperative to remember that the strength of the U.S. economy lies in freedom, diversity and innovation.

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Police officers know that we’re not a solution to homelessness

It’s time to take a new path forward with robust commitments to more effective, humane solutions.

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California should legalize psychedelics but learn from mistakes in marijuana regulation

When the legal market is too expensive and complex, the illicit market thrives.

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