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September 22, 2022
Ron DeSantis Did His Democratic Challenger a Huge Favor by Trafficking Migrants
Charlie Crist, the Democratic nominee for governor, raised $1 million in the 48 hours after news of the GOP governor’s Martha’s Vineyard stunt.
by Kartik Krishnaiyer
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Special offer: Midterm elections package. 3 months for $10.
The massive civil suit launched by New York Attorney General Tish James describes the former president’s family business as a nesting doll of financial chicanery.
by Matt Ford
House Democrats on Wednesday passed their reform of the Electoral Count Act. The Senate has a different reform bill in mind. Only one can win.
by Grace Segers
In the last year, works by more than 1,200 authors were banned, affecting nearly four million students.
by Melissa Gira Grant
Every week is infrastructure week now. (No, really.)
by How to Save a Country Podcast
An industry insider’s sympathetic account is unintentionally revealing of private equity’s worst features.
by Jon Skolnik
The former Texas senator also thinks the rich pay way too much in taxes. No word yet on debtor’s prison.
by Timothy Noah
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