TODAY'S TOP STORIES - January 22, 2018

Robert Reich: Trump Is Destroying the GOP from the Inside Out

By Robert Reich,

Just one year into his presidency, the party has abandoned its core principles. READ MORE»

I Aborted Myself, and I Almost Bled to Death

Abortion was illegal in 1953. I had no choice but to take matters into my own hands. READ MORE»

The Right's Assault on the Mueller Probe Takes a Bizarre New Twist

By Matt Gertz, Media Matters

The GOP will stop at nothing to protect the Trump administration. READ MORE»

Vermont Set to Legalize Marijuana Today, and Make History Along the Way

By Phillip Smith, AlterNet

Let's hear it for the Green Mountain State.  READ MORE»

Why the Alt-Right Could Be More Dangerous Than Ever Before

By Michael Edison Hayden, Newsweek

The movement has fractured, and its members are growing increasingly violent. READ MORE»

The Rich Earned Enough in 2017 Alone to End World Poverty

By Grace Guarnieri, Newsweek

As much as 82 percent of the wealth created across the globe went to the 1 percent. READ MORE»

Facebook's Newsfeed 'Fix' Is a Disaster in the Making

By Matthew Sheffield, Salon

Legitimate outlets of the independent variety are about to take a major hit. READ MORE»

Charles Blow: The Government Shutdown Is All Trump's Fault

By Ilana Novick, AlterNet

So much for the president being a one-of-a-kind dealmaker. READ MORE»

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