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Monday, January 29, 2018
Apple set to halve first quarter iPhone X production target: Nikkei
(Reuters) - Apple Inc has notified suppliers that it will halve its iPhone X production target for the first quarter to around 20 million units, Nikkei reported on Monday without citing a source.
Trump security team sees building U.S. 5G network as option
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Donald Trump's national security team is looking at options to counter the threat of China spying on U.S. phone calls that include the government building a super-fast 5G wireless network, a senior administration official said on Sunday.
Facebook makes privacy push ahead of strict EU law
BRUSSELS (Reuters) - Facebook said on Monday it was publishing its privacy principles for the first time and rolling out educational videos to help users control who has access to their information, as it prepares for the start of a tough new EU data protection law.
Japan raps Coincheck, orders broader checks after $530 million cryptocurrency theft
TOKYO (Reuters) - Japan's financial regulator said on Monday it would inspect all cryptocurrency exchanges and ordered Coincheck to get its act together after hackers stole $530 million worth of digital money from its exchange in one of the biggest cyber heists on record.
DriveNow deal paves way for BMW-Daimler alliance - source
FRANKFURT (Reuters) - Germany's BMW has bought out partner Sixt from their joint venture DriveNow, paving the way for a broader car-sharing and robotaxi alliance with Daimler to compete against the likes of Uber and Lyft.
Google confirms investment in Indonesian ride-hailing firm Go-Jek
SINGAPORE (Reuters) - Google has made its first ride-hailing investment in Asia by pumping money into Go-Jek, as the Indonesian start-up and deep-pocketed rivals rapidly expand their app-based services and digital payments in Southeast Asia.
Alibaba, Foxconn lead $350 million funding in electric car startup
BEIJING (Reuters) - Alibaba Group Holding Ltd and Foxconn Technology Co Ltd have led a 2.2 billion yuan ($347.74 million) funding round in Chinese electric car maker Xiaopeng Motors as competition escalates in the new energy vehicle (NEV) market.
Amazon UK to create 400 jobs in a new fulfillment center in Rugby
LONDON (Reuters) - Amazon UK said on Monday it would open a new fulfillment center in Rugby, central England, increasing its 2,500-strong workforce in the Midlands by another 400 people.
Singapore Airlines to boost digital investment to improve revenue, cut costs
SINGAPORE (Reuters) - Singapore Airlines Ltd will invest "hundreds of millions" of dollars in digital technology over several years as part of a broader transformation designed to remain competitive against global rivals, its chief executive said on Monday.
Rakuten seeks to boost financial services with $415 million Asahi Fire & Marine deal
TOKYO (Reuters) - Japan's Rakuten Inc said it planned to purchase Asahi Fire & Marine Insurance Co Ltd for about $415 million, strengthening its portfolio of financial services as its steps up efforts to diversify beyond conventional online shopping.
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