September 12, 2018 A publication from   Stansberry Research

This Market Giant Is About to Take Over Its Industry

Think about the last time you needed medicine or treatment. Were you afraid to go to the doctor because of fears of being overcharged? How long was your wait? Did your insurance cover most of your bill, if any?

Health care has become ridiculously expensive and inefficient. And folks are more confused than ever about where they should go for various injuries and sicknesses.

I know firsthand how broken the system is. And it's going to take some serious changes until we start to see any kind of efficiency from the industry.

In this month's issue of Retirement Millionaire, I detail one company trying to fix health care.

This isn't some nonprofit or government agency. It's a profitable business that works within the system right now. But it seems to realize that what's happening isn't working. And if it can succeed with some of the changes it's aiming to make... it could become the prime destination for millions of patients who want simple, affordable health care.

Here's to our health, wealth, and a great retirement,

Dr. David Eifrig
September 12, 2018

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