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Remote reading to attract radiologists

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Remote reading allows radiologists to work more efficiently, ensures optimal working conditions and a flexible work schedule. However, while radiologists may have a PACS system in their home, it requires considerably more to ensure the same level of performance, quality and security you have come to expect from medical workstations in the hospital reading room. We have a unique solution that brings dependable image quality and consistent workflow, wherever you are.


Simplify control room workflow during interventional surgery

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Our new control room solution helps surgical staff to improve efficiency, consistency and reliability during interventional procedures. The solution, named Nexxis WorkSpot, allows operators to manage up to 6 sources and medical applications from a single display instead of via multiple monitors, keyboards and mice.


A heart for people and the environment


More than ever, businesses are embracing sustainability. At Barco, it has become part of our corporate strategy. That’s why we have set clear targets, based on the Sustainable Development Goals defined in the UN agenda. For World Environment Day (June 5), we want to touch upon our sustainability efforts in healthcare.


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