In this issue, September 3, 2019 View it in your browser.

Remote Meetings, Jaeger, Playful Leadership, ML for Developers, Octant, AWS Step Functions Callback, Gluon, .NET Core 3.0, WebAssembly, The Death of Agile

Announcing QCon San Francisco 2019 Keynote Speaker: Mike McGarr

Engineering Leader at Slack Mike McGarr will share with you an approach to discovering organizational culture through its artifacts The talk includes pitfalls that have shaped his approach to discovering culture. Use the code INFOQ100 to save $635 before Sept 21st.
Remote Meetings

Article Series - Remote Meetings

In this series we’ll look at how teams worldwide are successfully facilitating complex conversations, remotely. And we’ll share practical steps that you can take, right now, to upgrade the remote conversations that fill your working days. (Article Series)

InfoQ Podcast

Yuri Shkuro on Tracing Distributed Systems Using Jaeger

In this podcast, we talk with Yuri Shkuro, the creator of Jaeger, author of the book Mastering Distributed Tracing, and a software engineer at Uber, about how the Jaeger tracing backend implements the OpenTracing API to handle distributed tracing. (Podcast)

Engineering Culture Podcast

Portia Tung on Coaching, Playful Leadership and the Importance of Play at Work

In this podcast recorded at QCon London 2019, Shane Hastie, Lead Editor for Culture & Methods, speaks to Portia Tung from the School of Play about agile coaching, helping individuals and organisations adopt a playful leadership style and the importance of play in the workplace. (Podcast)

TOP AI, ML & Data Engineering NEWS HEADLINES

  1. New Technique Speeds up Deep-Learning Inference on TensorFlow by 2x

  2. Predicting the Future, Amazon Forecast Reaches General Availability

Automating ML

Automating Machine Learning and Deep Learning Workflows

Mourad Mourafiq discusses automating ML workflows with the help of Polyaxon, an open source platform built on Kubernetes, to make machine learning reproducible, scalable, and portable. (Presentation with transcript included)
The next QCon is QCon San Francisco, Nov 11-13, 2019. Join us!

Panel: ML for Developers/SWEs

Panel: ML for Developers/SWEs

The panelists cover how they've adopted applied machine learning to software engineering. (Presentation with transcript included)



Microservices with Redis Enterprise on Kubernetes

Technologies such as containers and Kubernetes are emerging to facilitate the adoption and management of microservices. Learn why Redis Enterprise is uniquely suited to a microservices application environment. Download the white paper.


  1. Amazon Releases a Preview of the New AWS Tools for PowerShell

  2. Microsoft Releases Azure Ultra Disk Storage to General Availability

  3. Octant: Local and Real-Time Dashboard for Kubernetes Workloads

  4. AWS Step Functions Gains Callback Patterns to Resume Paused Workflows

  5. Contributing to the Kubernetes Community: Getting Started Q&A with Contributor Nikhita Raghunath

Designing Chaos Experiments, Running Game Days, and Building a Learning Organization: Chaos Conf Q&A

The second Chaos Conf event is taking place in San Francisco over 25-26 September. In preparation for the conference, InfoQ sat down with a number of the presenters, and discussed topics such as the evolution and adoption of chaos engineering, key people, and process learning from running chaos experiments, and what the biggest blockers are for mainstream adoption. (Article)

See what’s new in DevOps including:

  • GA of Google Cloud Security Scanner for GKE and Compute Engine
  • CircleCI announces CI/CD Pipeline support on a Windows VM
  • Programming the Cloud with TypeScript
  • And more...

The InfoQ eMag - Service Mesh: Past, Present, and Future

This emag aims to remove some of the confusion around the topic of "service mesh", and help architects and technical leaders to choose if, when, and how to deploy a service mesh. A "service mesh" manages service-to-service communications across a compute cluster, and handles dynamic service discovery and routing, and also provides cross-cutting support for observability, reliability, and security. (eMag)

The InfoQ eMag: DevOps for the Database

In this eMag, we discuss the unique aspects of databases, both relational and NoSQL, in a successful continuous integration environment. (eMag)



The 2019 State of Database DevOps

All the latest insights on DevOps adoption rates among SQL Server Professionals. Read the report to understand the challenges – and the opportunities – of adopting database DevOps alongside broader DevOps initiatives.


  1. IBM POWER Instruction Set Architecture Now Open Source

  2. How Chirp Audio QR Codes Went to the Moon and Back

  3. DigitalOcean Adds Managed MySQL and Redis Services

GitLab 12.2 Supports Complex Dependencies for CI Tasks and Cross-Project Merge Requests

GitLab latest release aims to enable complex continuous integration (CI) pipelines, team collaboration, and dependencies management across projects. Furthermore, GitLab 12.2 adds new push options for merge requests, and uses environment-specific Kubernetes namespaces to enable sharing the same cluster across multiple project environments. (News)

Operationalizing Microservices

Scaling up from proof-of-concept to production-grade microservices requires serious planning, dedication and time. Companies that have invested heavily in creating stable microservices architectures have learned many lessons. This InfoQ eMag takes in inside look - Download Now.

See what’s new in Development including:

  • Graal: How to Use the New JVM JIT Compiler in Real Life
  • Rendering Large Models in the Browser in Real-Time
  • The State of Serverless Computing
  • And more...


  1. Java on iOS and Android via Gluon

Reactive Spring

Josh Long discusses Spring Framework 5 and its support for reactive programming. (Presentation with transcript included)


  1. Update: .NET Standard Adoption

  2. Microsoft Releases .NET Core 3.0 Preview 8

Microsoft Releases Entity Framework Core 3.0 Preview 8 and Entity Framework 6.3 Preview 8

Earlier this month Microsoft released Entity Framework Core 3.0 Preview 8 and Entity Framework 6.3 Preview 8. Following the synchronized release calendar, the new previews were available on the same day as .NET Core 3.0 Preview 8 and ASP.NET Core 3.0 Preview 8. (News)


  1. Introduction to Stateful Property Based Testing - Lambda Days 2019

  2. High Performance Video Editing for the Mobile Web

  3. Npm Bans Packages Which Display Ads via its Command Line Interface

  4. eBay Increases Listing Completion Rate by 30% by Porting Barcode Scanner to the Web with WebAssembly

Chrome 76 Shipped with PWA Installation, Stealthier Incognito Mode, Extension Tracking

Google recently released Chrome 76. Chrome 76 makes it easier to install Progressive Web Apps (PWAs) on the desktop, disables a commonly used Incognito Mode detection technique, and allows users to track extension activities. (News)


  1. Firefox 68 Released with BigInt, Extended Dark Mode, and Curated Extensions

  2. Android Studio 3.5 Aims to be Faster and More Memory-Efficient

Build Cross Platform Apps with Flutter

Faisal Abid talks about Flutter, how it achieves an almost identical look and feel to its Android/iOS counterparts and what is on the roadmap for Flutter (Web & IoT). (Presentation with transcript included)

TOP Architecture & Design NEWS HEADLINES

  1. An Introduction to Structured Data at Etsy

  2. Reasons for Cancelling a Move to Microservices

Cellery: A Code-First Approach to Deploy Applications on Kubernetes

Cellery is a code-first approach to building, integrating, running, and managing composite applications on Kubernetes, using a cell-based architecture. Learn what cells are, how Cellery works, and see how an existing Kubernetes application written by Google can be deployed, managed, and observed using Cellery. (Article)

(Dys)functional DDD

Jarek Ratajski revisits some of the core concepts of DDD from a functional perspective and builds a simple system using a more functional approach. (Presentation)



Implementing a Successful Open Banking Architecture

Your open banking architecture plays a large role in determining how effectively you open up your APIs, provide a seamless third-party experience and ultimately offer a better customer journey than that of your competitors. Learn key requirements and more in this article.

TOP Culture & Methods NEWS HEADLINES

  1. Inclusive Leadership Supports Collaboration and Diversity in Teams

  2. How Artificial Intelligence Impacts Designing Products

  3. Agile 2019 Keynote Talks Available to View

Great Global Meetings: Navigating Cultural Differences

Navigating cross-cultural differences can be hard enough when team members are face-to-face, but when most communications are through some kind of technology—email, phone, IM, video, or online conferencing—it becomes infinitely more complex. (Article)

The Death of Agile and Beyond

Agility as a way of being for teams and organizations is crossing a critical juncture. In a unique state of affairs, Agile is being adopted by organizations in various domains whilst many Agilists are expressing concerns that Agile has failed. This article looks at the current state of agility, the challenges it faces and proposes some ideas around how Agilists can change the situation. (Article)

The Chameleon Effect: Business Agility and Adaptability Lessons

Stephen Parry discusses business agility and adaptation, covering Agile and Adaptive Business Dynamics, creating the right work-climate for success and moving from waterfall purpose to common purpose. (Presentation)

Acceptance Testing for Continuous Delivery

Dave Farley describes approaches to acceptance testing that allow teams to work quickly and effectively, build functional coverage tests and maintain those tests throughout change. (Presentation with transcript included)

Self-Selection for Resilience and Better Culture

Dana Pylayeva talks about “self selection” (empowering people to choose their own teams) as a great vehicle to build in happiness, resilience and a better culture. She shares stories from running successful self-selection events, and talks about the “Spooky Questions” game that enables open conversations, helps identify unspoken worries and brings in fun and empathy into a self-selection process. (Presentation with transcript included)


Latest White Papers

The State of Application Services - Download the 2019 Report

Why Time Series Matters for Metrics, Real-Time Analytics and Sensor Data



Monitor your applications built in Java, .NET , Ruby, PHP and Node.js