Join this workshop on October 28, 2020, with Colleen Newvine (AP Style Guide), Joanne Callahan (Con Edison), Nikki Hopewell (Rush University System for Health), Bob Hitchcock (formerly, The Walt Disney Co.), and Benton Crane (Harmon Bros.) to create more compelling, trustworthy and even beloved content that speaks from—and to—the heart. You'll learn: New Expectations: How and why Americans expect companies to speak up now Writing like a Journalist: How to write clear, credible copy for external audiences Anti-Corporate Speak: How to practice more honest, trustworthy employee communications by writing, speaking and acting with passion and purpose Inclusive Language: Phrases and terms to add to your company's lexicon Visual Storytelling: How to add authentic images and video to your content strategy Levity in Tough Times: Why people laugh during a crisis—and how to strike a balance of humor, uplifting and informative content at a time when it's needed most Smart communicators must find new ways to be heard at a time when the pandemic, divisive politics and uncertainty dominate people's lives. Authentic, purpose-driven content can help you cut through the clutter, counter anxiety and build bridges with your audiences. If you have any questions or need help registering, contact Shallon Blackburn at [email protected]. |